Saturday, March 21, 2009

Utility Knife Step-by-step: Part 2

I got so caught up in the moment of shaping the handle that I completely overlooked taking any photos of the process.
In a nutshell though, I shaped the handle using the bench grinder. I actually started with the stone wheel which might sound strange for use on wood but it does wonders with removing large quantities at once. I then shaped further using the belt grinder and drum sander.
After shaping the handle I finished sanding the blade with wet and dry, going from 80 grit through to 800.
Then I sanded the handle to 240 grit and finished off with an 800 grit sanding pad. This was followed by several applications of danish oil with a light sand in between coats.
And for the final touch I ran the flade over a clean sisal wheel.

The results are as follows:

The filework shows up really well with the black epoxy.

There are some bits I could have done better but overall I'm rather happy with how things turned out

1 comment:

Hubert Hubert said...

Phew, that's gorgeous!